Sunday, 8 October 2017

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Simple steps to your mobile camera as web cam

Any one has some issue on your web cam ?  Your going to buy a new webcam ? Just look , i am going to show a simple tweak to setup your mobile camera as your new webcam . Is it interesting ? How it is possible ? yeah , It is possible to using some simple steps . I think today most of them using mobile phones for internet . Using your mobile phone camera you can setup your webcam camera also . You can use it in any online webcam , Skype video calling , Facebook video calling etc . 

Follow these steps :

1. Go through Google play store from your mobile phone .

2. Search " Wo webcam lite " . You can get application like this

3. Install and run the application from your mobile phone.

4. Go to setting and setup your way of connection .

5. You can connect via USB , Bluetooth or WiFi (Wifi needs the IP address of the    network) .

6. Choose your mobile camera (Front or back camera)

6. After that just press start  .

7 . Install this same application on your PC or Laptop .

8 . Run and configure same as mobile phone

9. First you should connect this application on your mobile phone , then after connect your PC application .

10 . After that you can see your mobile camera as webcam .

If you face any problem , Just comment here , we can discuss here .

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Download MASM for Windows 32 bit / 64 bit (Win 7, Win 8 , Win 10) and Ubuntu

MASM (Microsoft macro assembler ) is a x86 assembler that uses intel syntax for for MS-DOS and Microsoft windows . There are two version of assembler . One is 32 bit package and another is 64 bit package . 

Follow these simple tutorial to install MASM package on any windows version 

Windows installation Steps :

  • Download DOSBox0.74-win32-installer.exe installer DOWNLOAD (Link 1)  or you can download from this link Download (Link 2)  OR Download (Link 3)
  • Download DOWNLOAD  file and unzip it to the C:\ drive of your windows . 
  • Run DOSBOX0.74 installer and install it .
  • After successful installation and run the package , you can get a black screen . This is the terminal of the MASM .
  • Enter following commands in that terminal screen . 
     > mount c c:\8086  
     > c: 
     > edit (your programme name).asm
  • Then you can get a blue window . This is the window to write your first assembler program . 
If you have any query or doubts , you can check this video tutorials Link 


You can check with this screen-shots 

MASM software

If you are using Ubuntu , Please follow the instructions to install MASM 

Ubuntu installations Steps :

  • Open terminal (Ctrl+t)
  • Enter the following commands in the terminal to install dosbox
         sudo apt-get update
         sudo apt-get install dosbox

  • Next create a folder 8086 in /home path by sudo mkdir /home/8086
  • then give permission to this folder by sudo chmod -R 777 /home/8086
  • Download DOWNLOAD  file and extract it to the /home/8086 folder 
  • Then run DOSBox from Applications >Games >DOSBox Emulator
  • Type the following commands to mount 
         mount c /home/8086
  • Now you are ready to type your program in Linux.

How to run the MASM program ? 

After the successful installation Dosbox and Assembler uisng above step , you will write your first program.    
  • Consider if your program name is  " sample.asm " . Then exit from the editor .
  • Create the object files by typing the below command and press enter
          masm sample.asm
  •  After the above steps , it will generate the object files 
  • Press Enter again and again until you will get the compilation errors / success message 
  • If any errors occur , type edit sample.asm . Using this command you can correct the program code.
  • Follow the steps 2- 4 after editing the code , once your errors got resolved , enter the command link sample . This command will generate sample.exe file 
  • Finally run the program by sample.exe command 
  • You can see the output of the program
  • If you want to exit from the Dosbox , type exit command 
Please comment if you have any suggestions or query . We will try to resolve soon .

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Wednesday, 4 February 2015

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How Greenify App helps you to save Mobile phone battery Life ?

Batter life is very crucial factor when considering a mobile phone . There are lot of power consumptions needed to run mobile operating system , different Mobile applications and mobile system usages . So how to save our mobile phone battery life ? How can we disable all applications that we don't use . I got a new application from Google play store now a days . This app is called as Greenify . Today this is the most popular and useful app used for reducing power consumptions in your phone . So today i would like to share a article that how can we install and use this Greenify Apps inside our mobile phones .

This App help you to save your phone battery life by hibernating unwanted running Applications . let us look how to install this application .

Follow these Steps :

  • Install this application on your android mobile phone through this link . Install Greenify .
  • After successful installations you get a window like this 
  •  Just click on '+' button to add applications you want to hibernate using Greenify .
  • After that proper settings , you can get a window like to hibernate applications
App Greenify Analyzer
  •  This shows that some applications is running in backgrounds and some applications may Slow down your mobile phones . 
  • If you want to Hibernate a application , Just click on the application and click on the '+' icon  .
Greenify Apps Last
  •  After Successful installations you can get the window like this . So you can see the hibernated applications under the Hibernated  Section .
  • If you want to Hibernate the pending Apps , You can just Click on that Apps and click '+' icon 

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Best Useful Android Apps you should try to your mobile phone

Hello friends . I am back with a interesting and also a  useful article . I think today everybody have a smart phone . Isn't ? If you have an android phone , i think this tutorial may help you lot . All of you know very familiar with android applications . 

Android Apps mobile
Today there are lot of application emerging for some particular useful application . How can we take which are those apps good for my phone ? or which are those apps must install on your mobile phone ? I know this is a tough question . So today i would like to share some best 4 android apps you should try and install on your mobile phone . I think this apps surely help you lot . Let's look that .

General Useful Apps : 

1 . Greenify : 

First i am giving priority to your power management or your phone battery life . There are lot of apps today for protecting your battery life but i going with a most efficient and popular app. This apps is Greenify
You can manually hibernated unused apps on your android phone . So it help you to save some amount of battery life . 

2. Truecaller : 

 Next i am giving priority to your phone call security . I think all of you know familiar with True caller App . This is very good app to get details about the mobile number .You can get the details about the person who calls you . You can also block calls if you don't want to answer that in future .

3. Xender : 

Let's look sharing application next . Xender is one of the app to share files speedily than a Bluetooth to your friends .  You can also create a group for sharing files across your friends .
Xender sharing

4. Google maps

Google maps apps help you get the detailed location for your destination place .
Maps images

Useful Apps for chatting :

5. Whats App : 

This is the one of the most application used now a days . You can install WhatsApp on your mobile phone using your Mobile Number . You can send images , videos , contacts and file through this app .

6. Facebook messenger :

 This is another one of the most popular application .You can chat with your Facebook friends with the help of this applications .

Facebook messenger

7. Twitter : 

Another trending Apps for your mobile phone to get twitter account . You can automatically receive your notifications from this applications .

Useful Apps for surfing : 

8. Chrome browser

Widely used apps to surfing from internet . You can manually install applications from Google play store .
Chrome apps

9. YouTube:

 YouTube apps like to watch and download videos from you tube .  You can copy the videos links directly and share that videos too .
Apps you tube images
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Saturday, 17 January 2015

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Facts you should know about WhatsApp Messenger hacking and it's prevention's

I think we all know familiar about new messenger WhatsApp . Is it safe ? Can i hack my friends WhatsApp messages ? First fall i would like to tell that any software is not 100% safe guaranty . We can use software with some security processes against hacking . So obviously you can hack or get messages from WhatsApp messenger . Seriously I am not encourage you to hack your friends WhatsApp messenger . I am try to point out some hacking methods here and i want to share how to use our securities against such hacking .

whatsapp hacking

Compared to other messengers or software , WhatsApp have some good security system . At the time of whats app release they don't use any message encryption process . After some update , they increase their security by usage of encryption . Hacking whats app messages wirelessly not possible . So lets see some scenarios about whats app hacking and it's prevention's .

Read WhatsApp from a password locked messenger 

Is it possible ? Yes it is possible to read your messages from your locked messenger . One can read messages after installing AppLock apps on your mobile phone . the installations take only 1 minute . I think whats app group change this method of hacking after update messenger . 
Another app is called  Backup text for Whats . Any one get your all messages after installing this app and he/she can send to Email address or SD card .

How can i  protect my messenger from this type of hacking ?

You can protect your whats app messenger by adding some extra security . You can add some security to your device via Setting > device security . 

Watch any ones WhatsApp activities using whats dog   

This is very interesting app because you can watch and get report of any ones whats app usage . unfortunately play store remove this app because of vulnerable usage . You can get download link from other web sites . You can use this app when you know the WhatsApp number . You can install this app using WhatsApp number and track the activities like he is active or online  etc . After that you can generate a report based on this status
Prevention : Don't allow any one to install apps on your mobile phone .  You can set it via     WhatsApp privacy setting .

How to hack with a WhatsApp sniffer ? 

This is another one method to hack your WhatsApp messages via a WhatsApp sniffer . After this app intro play store removed this app due to vulnerable usages . This app working by ARP request to spoof all messages and form a plain text and anyone can get this . Prevention : This is not working on latest WhatsApp . So use updated WhatsApp and try to check your WiFi sharing  . 
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