Thursday 28 August 2014

About all Adsense and It's working : A review about adsense earning

Google adsense is a one of the most popular and best earning ways for a webmaster or blogger. It provides lot of type of advertisements to different sites . The one of the most advantage is it's paying methods . In india, they newly allowed wire tranfer method insteads of checks. It is very advantage of all publishers in india because of wire transfer deposites your money with in 3-4 days to your bank account. Looking in to the adsense , it contain differnt type of advertisements like text, image, flash etc. Here i share a few important information about adsense .
earning of ads

What is Google adsense ?    

Adsense is a publisher programe owned by google. It allows you to publish their advertisements to your sites . The advertisement type includes text, disaply ( image, video ) etc. The earnings are calculated by adsense based on either per-click or per-impression based. It allows you to display Per-click ads on your site and gives you some money based on the this advertisement cliks ( Based on the cost-per-click (CPC) ) . Pay-per impression based advertisement gives you some money based on how many impression get to that advertisement by visitors .

Types of Adsense advertisements  

Google adsense provide some types of advertisement includes
  • Adsense for contents
  • Adsense for Mobile content
  • Adsense for feeds
  • Adsense for video
  • Adsense for Domains
  • Adsense for search

How adsense works ?

This is very interesting question because till nobody don't know how actually adsense works  including me. The google algorithams is the main reason for that . It is very perfect and updatable. Here i share a few tips for incresing your adsense earnings . After sucessfull account approval , Google adsense givs you a java code for insert to your site . This is the first steps to insert adsense to your website . For a blogger , The blogging environment it self provide a adsense code (because blogger also owned by google ). After that Based on your sites keywords adsense started to display their Advertisements. When each visitor visites your page , adsense noted and will updates to your performance reports of adsense account . In india , Minimum threshold is 100 $ . ie)  you can get money when earning reaches 100 $ .  
Next i show you some intersting words about adsense . I think adsense publishers know about that very well . For new publshers , watch on your eyes to this words .

earning graphs 1

  • CPC (Cost per click) : Cost per cick means how much you get when a visitor click on the ads .
  • Ad CTR (Click through rate) : CTR of ad caluculated by dividing number of ads to number of individual ad impressions .
  • CPM (Cost per 1000 impression) : It set their desired price for 1000 impressions .
  • RPM (Revenue per thousand impression) : RPM is calculated by dividing your estimated earnings to number of ad request and then multiplying by 1000 . 

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