Saturday 9 August 2014

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Increase Adsense CPC and CTR through better Ads placements

Most of the Adsense ads programe works on the bases of CPC (cost per click) and CTR (click through rate) . When consider a adsense publisher , he/she want to increase CPC for good earnings .

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Read more : 5 Easiest ways to Increase Earnings from Adsense website
cost per click (CPC) depends on several factors like country , type of ads , keywords etc.Ads placement is one among those . Mostly Ads placement helps to get better CTR. So how can we place adsense ads effectivly on our site or blog ? don't worry .. we can . Here i would like to share my ads placement experience.    
blog palcements
You can see lot of type of ads see in adsense . Adsense show maximum 3 Ads per a page . So you must effectively use that. Adsnse placement is a small factor compared to keywords but you can use this methods.

good graph

> Use 336x280 or 300x250 size Ads effectively on your sites.Recent days these size ads performe better than others.
> Use 160x600,728x90 long banner ads . Surely it will change your CTR and CPC rate .   
> Add ads between the Articles . It will help you get good CTR and good clicks .
> If you want to analyze which one is better than other , then you must create custom channels on adsense. Surely it will helps you  lot. 
> Finally Do some experiments , After several experiments you can see your progress . using such progress reports you can easily analyze and get good earnigs.
good ads placements
I already shared that ad placement is not a full factor .One of the most interesting factor is keywords . A Good Quality keywords can change your earnings to better . So consider about the keywords of your site.

Read more : Increase Adsense earnings and cpc through keyword research
The next factotr is country . A high developed countries traffic and cliks can increase your earnings daily. USA , UK , Canada , France etc are those .

High CPC rate

Look at this image. Here USA cliks got CPC upto $ 2.3 compared to other countries .  So countries are one of the crucial factor like keywords , Ad placements .

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