Saturday 8 November 2014

Introducing Windows 10 operating system : A Review compared with Windows 8 OS

Microsoft Announced their latest version of Operating system Windows  10 will release soon this year . They shocked again all the Microsoft users including me . Recently Microsoft releases their new updated Windows 8 Operating System . I think all of us uses and experienced their performance . When compared with Windows 7 , I think you are all not get entire satisfactions . Is it ?

windows 10 OS

When Microsoft announces their latest updated OS , the first question normally , is it any peculiarities than Windows 8 OS ? The other interesting one is it's Name controversy .We know the previous names windows 7 , Windows 8 . Compare with these terms , the next names should be windows 9 but Microsoft announced it is Windows 10 .The next one is their continuous up gradation . All of us bored the system up gradation when they upgrade their latest versions through out 2 years .

windows 10 OS screen

The latest Microsoft announcement is ,the company ensure that this is the best version of windows operating system . That means they are not interested in the next version but I am not sure .

Advantages of Windows 10 Operating System

Start Menu :

  • The design of the windows 10 is similar to windows 8 OS but using this version we can use it in all laptops , Tablet PC , Smart phones , Game Console etc. All the related plugins we can download via single cloud store ( It may priced also ) 
  • The missing start menu in windows 8 is should appear in latest version but we can also get tile menu too . The start menu is divided in to half start menu and half start screen . We can also get the Applications via screen also .
Windows 10 technical start menu

  • We can get Calender , Mail , News etc applications via start screen ( using right tiles ) .You can customized your start menu according to your size also .
  • At the side of top menu account name , you can get the shout down , restart options.

Metro Applications :

  • When power on the system , you can get the metro applications window . The difference in windows 10 metro application when compared to Windows 8 metro , they have closing icons , maximizing and minimize options . When shortly say , You can get the same size application like metro application when download via store .

Updated Command prompt :

  • The most interesting update is command prompt copy option .We can use ALT+V short cut options for pasting directory path to command prompt . It is not active in all other previous Windows OS .

Virtual Desktop and Task View

  • The next peculiarities of the windows 10 OS is it's task view . We can get all the opened Application through task view and also it helps to create virtual desktop
  • You can see task view interface when clicking on the task view button .You can add a desktop also . This is similar to ALT+ tab in previous versions .

Snap Enhancements

  • Though quadrant layout , we can snap 4 applications in a single screen .
The real thing is today, Only Windows 10  technical preview is released .You can expect more features in real operating system . Today the technical world is controlled by android and Apple OS . I think Windows realize the truth and they changes their mind through this operating system . We can expect a change and hope to get success . 

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