Friday 28 November 2014

4 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Alexa rank

We know every one need a Good Page rank for their web site or blog . Can you think about how to get a good page rank for your site ? Good Page rank require some criteria . One of the important factor is Alexa rank .What is Alexa Rank ? How to get a good Alexa rank ? Today i would like to share some good stuffs and tips to know about Alexa rank . Increasing any rank is a important one when consider a site owner or blogger .
increase alexa rank

Alexa rank is a one of most popular web site rank is determined by Alexa company ( An Amazon product ) . The rank is determined by considering some important web site factors . Today millions of websites uses this crucial rank . To get a high Google page rank , your site must have a good Alexa rank . The rank is determined by Alexa company is by using traffic , back links and some SEO (Site Engine optimization) parameters too . Let us look the most crucial things your site must have to get a good Alexa rank .

1 . " Content is always king "

Most important step is to make your web site valuable. valuable always depends upon Quality articles . Is it ? yes . Quality articles invites visitors and there fore making good traffic too . So write your blog or site with good quality articles . It also increase your Alexa rank and therefore get a good Google page rank too . You can look here how to start a good blog .

2 . Myth about Site Engine optimization (SEO)

The Next important factor is to determine Alexa rank is Site Engine Optimization . There are lot of ways to make your blog or site to become SEO friendly . HTML page optimizations are one of the important way to become SEO friendly . You can check how to index and get good SEO friendly articles . Using meta title you can increase your optimization process too .

page rank alexa

3 . Improve your Site with Quality Traffic   

You can get Traffic to your site from any ways . But You know how to drive Quality traffic to your site ? It quite tough . But don't worry , You can get it via keyword research ways . let us look how can we do keyword research for quality traffic .

4 . Role of Social sites and followers    

The third factor to determine the good Alexa rank is site popularity . Site popularity can be done through quality post . Today Social sites play a vital role for the site popularity .You can get good number of Followers through Social sites .But careful , here also Quality of the articles determine the Followers . You can check how to automatically publish your post to face book and also look how to share post to twitter .

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