Monday 21 July 2014

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How to start a sucessful Blog and become a good blogger

The Question is very Interesting " How to start a Sucessful Blog ? " not " How to start a blog ? " .The two questions are entirely different.
Successful Blogger
Successful Blogger

Anybody can become to start a blog but somebody can make it sucessful. Is it ? My suggestions to start a sucessful Blog contain lot of factors. Let us look those.
Read more : How to use let-me-google-that-for-you (IMGTFY) for incresing traffic

Read more : How to use Google short url service for increasing SEO

Aware about blog and it's limitations 

This is the first thing. Since we should aware about a blog. We can create a blog via 2 methods. One of the method is Google and other is Wordpress. Google blog is quite simpler than a wordpress blog. But wordpress provide more it's own gadgets and environment friendly also. Any one can make a blog using there own mail address or wordpess account. Compared to the website, Blogger has it's own limitations. The First limitation is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Blogger url is another one.Website can be your own url but a blogger url appends with a blogspot or wordpress .

Decide your own good Niche and write quality Articles

There are lot of Niche for a blog. You can write any articles related to your blog. Take a good your own Niche and write about that.
Good quality articles
Good Quality Articles
Please rememeber Niche is very important factor for monetization of your blog. Next thing is to remember is Articles quality . It Depends on the Contents of your blog, way of writing articles. Good quality articles leads to good visitors and help to increase your blog traffic. 

Socialize your blog

This is one of methods to increase blog traffic and popularize your articles. Today lot of social media are arriving. Facebook,Youtube,Twitter,Google plus,linkedIn etc are one among those.
Socialize your articles
Socialize your articles
 Share your blog articles through these media effects the popularity of the blog and also increase  Page rank of your blog. 

SEO friendly Articles

Try to write articles maximum SEO friendly. SEO allowes your blog to visible through search engine.
search optimization
SEO friendly
For a Blogger there are lot of Methods to post a articles SEO friendly. These methods are also give to you good traffic to your blog.  

Write Unique articles and updates to your blog     

Unique articles give you a good impressions to your blog. uniqueness includes the style of writing articles, Articles contents etc. The Next thing to remember for a blogger is updation. Try to updates articles by posting a new articles in your blog and socialize it through sites.      

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